Thursday, September 23, 2010

Well, here we go!

And I thought writing was the fun part! Then I get to set up a web-site and now a blog; just how much fun can you have?
Seriously, I have to thank a couple of people for inspiration and guidance concerning all of this. My wife, Arlene, who for some unknown reason, to anyone but maybe God, has put up with me for way longer than anyone ever thought she would and Lauralynn Elliott who is a part-time writing partner, muse, and editor.  Thanks, I know I've driven you crazy getting all of this started.
Just to be clear. I have a couple of ground rules I feel like I have to get off my chest before really getting into this.
First, I am a conservative, Christian; what I put on this blog is my opinion, based on fifty some years of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. So it's my thoughts, if you don't like them, fine. Just keep the comments clean and non-threatening: my mom might read this sometime.
Second, I rant and rave, I am an old man by-the-way; I don't want to be preached to and I'm not preaching here.
Now a little about what caused all of this. About ten years ago I was sitting at work and an idea started in my mind for a book; I'd never written anything more than a term paper in college, so what made me think I could write? After reading this blog you might think the same thing! But it was an idea, so I started to write it much like I did my term papers from College days; an outline of ideas and then filling in the outline. I got stuck! For several years I was stuck; then I decided I had to try something else, so I sat down and wrote the first book of the Jim Benjamin series. My wife and a couple of friends read it and I stuck it on a shelf and there it was. I wrote two more books that continued the story and a book of short stories filling in the gaps, but nothing was ever published, in fact, it was never even edited, just raw stories.
Then about five years ago my wife had breast cancer. I stayed home and took care of her; plus I wrote The Last Cabbandeum a science fiction story of Jason Corvair who was caught during the war, spent years in an alien prison, and hospital. He had experiments and horrible things happen to him. Then he comes back to earth and the fun doesn't stop there. It is, finally, e-published and avaliable from Amazon and Smashwords.
So go buy the book or check out the sample and see if you might enjoy it. I am working on a mystery now and will begin work on rewriting the first Jim Benjamin story after that. My web-site has more information on all of that so visit it as soon as it's up; which should be any day now.
So for now I'm done; But I will be back soon. I hate blogs were you see a post and a year later you're waiting for the next post. Hopefully that will not happen here. Peace!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you finally got your blog going. I see you used a different blogging service. LOL. I wish this service had a way to sign up to be notified by email instead of rss feeds and google. :( Oh well, I guess the customer service wasn't so great on the other one. I look forward to reading all your posts.

    Btw...that part about you being conservative...what an understatement! Hahahahahaha

    Good luck!
